Robert Filliou proposed “Art’s Birthday” in 1963. He suggested that 1,000,000 years ago, there was no art. But one day,on January 17th to be precise, Art was born. Filliou says it happened when someone dropped a dry sponge into a bucket of water. We changed that to 2,000,000 years because of the recent discovery of far older humanoid ancestry.
The origin of the theme of this show is twofold, the other being a movie in which Spongebob Squarepants and David Hasselhoff meet, Spongebob the Movie.
David Hasselhoff being an icon of the eighties movie series Knight Rider also known as K 2000 and starring in the Baywatch series in the ninties.
Spongebob received help from David Hasselhoff in his role as a baywatcher, he personally transports Spongebob who is klinking to his legs to Bikini Bottom, hometown of Spongebob. During this trajectory Spongebob has to jump from one leg of D.H. onto the other to escape from a headhunter, while D.H. is body-skiing through water. This jump is represented in the installation part around the papier maché island and the blue plasticine foot of D.H. surfing through spray water. The other part of the installation used the D.H. T-shirt slogan as a title: “Don´t Hassel the Hof”. The name Hasselhoff was divided in single letters and those single letters represented by other slogan´s more or less chosen for their constructiveness and positive attitude to life. “You had me at Hello” is for example forming the “H”, being a phrase from a Woody Allen movie pronounced by a fully fledged nymphomaniac whose erotic phantasy is to be raped by strangers while collecting money for the salvation army in a New York apartment buildings.
The letters are cut out of green felt, which was underlaid with tin foil. The framed letters were positioned on used furniture, which represent a mountain scenery, supplementary we installed models of farms, ranges and a gaz station.
"Hof" is the German word for farm.
The images above represent a Florida Snowman built out of blankets and various tissues. We found examples of this kind of snowman made in Florida while reseaching snowmen in general for an outdoor sculpture project.